
Xml editor grid for mac visualization
Xml editor grid for mac visualization

xml editor grid for mac visualization

all - This page displays all of the recent items matching your hashtags. All items areĪutomatically approved unless rejected on this page. live-manage - Live streaming updates from Instagram and Twitter appear on this page with a 10 second countdown and an accept or reject button. Once the system is up and running, you can use the following pages in a modern web browser: ) REFERENCES `social_grid_data` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

xml editor grid for mac visualization

`updated_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘ 00:00:00’,ĬONSTRAINT `social_grid_shown_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`parent_id`) `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,

#Xml editor grid for mac visualization install

Once you have Node.js installed on your server, you’ll also need to install the various dependencies by running the following command: For information on Node.js, please visit. Depending on your operating system, you may need to view the application package contents in order to access the configuration file. The application’s config.xml file is located inside the installed application package, inside a folder called resources. When the app is running, you can press the F key at any time to toggle fullscreen on and off, and the M key to toggle mouse visibility. To run it, navigate to the installation location and open the SocialGrid application. Simply open the installer, and follow the prompts to install the application. You may need to install Adobe Air on your system in order to run the installer. The package includes a build folder, with an Adobe Air application installer, SocialGrid.air. This section describes the basic system environment and actions needed to get each component of the package installed and running. The Photobooth iPad App we made is included in this package, and can be used to send photos to the Social Grid Display App. Photobooth iPad Appĭuring our 2012 Halloween party, we set up two photo booths that sent photos to be displayed in the Social Grid Display App’s content stream.

xml editor grid for mac visualization

It can be configured to aggregate social media content by hashtag and used to moderate the content that appears in the Social Grid Display App. To make the integration of social media a bit more robust, we created an optional backend tool that runs on a server. When configured correctly (see below), the Social Grid Display App can run independently of the other components. The part of the project that displays and manages flow of content is a desktop Air Application written in Actionscript 3.0. Here’s a rundown of the components: Social Grid Display App The essential component is the Social Grid Dislay App, and the Backend Moderation Tool and Photobooth iPad App can be used to add to the experience. There are three distinct parts to this package. The project is also fully open source, so you are also welcome to develop your own features, if that’s what you’re into. So right out of the box, you can use Social Grid to display Twitter, Instagram, and your own images and video. We added some fun customization features for this release, as well as the ability to display video content. We’ve had a blast with it at our own events, and we think it’s about time to share it with the community. We created the project to display event-based media (Twitter, Instagram, and event-specific content) in a dynamic and visually interesting way. Social Grid is a media visualization project from the Labs team at Instrument.

Xml editor grid for mac visualization